Rumpun Penelitian Bidang Komputer

Rumpun penelitian bidang komputer pada jurnal penelitian adalah sebagai berikut:

Computer Science / Informatics. Rumpun pada penelitian nya adalah:
  1. An algorithm, Data Compression, 
  2. Image Processing, 
  3. Network Security and Cryptography, 
  4. Mobile Computing, 
  5. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 
  6. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 
  7. Machine Learning, 
  8. Computer Security, 
  9. Computer Vision, 
  10. Combinatorial, 
  11. Pervasive Computing, 
  12. Ubiquitous Computing, 
  13. Context-Aware Computing,
  14. Cloud Computing, 
  15. Maritime Informatics.

Computer Engineering and Computer Systems. Rumpun pada penelitian nya adalah
  1. Wireless and Sensor Devices, 
  2. Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing, 
  3. Virtual Reality and Visualization, 
  4. Biomedical Informatics and Computation, 
  5. Information and It's Technical Education, 
  6. Computer Architecture, 
  7. Parallel and Distributing Computing, 
  8. High-Performance Computing, 
  9. Autonomic and Trusted Computing, 
  10. Routing and Internetworking, 
  11. Wireless Sensor Network, 
  12. Embedded System, 
  13. Real-Time Design, 
  14. Internet of Things.

Mobile Multimedia. Rumpun penelitian nya adalah:
  1. Mobile Multimedia Platforms, 
  2. Mobile Multimedia Applications and Services, 
  3. Mobile Multimedia Communications, 
  4. Mobile and Multimedia Markets and Business Models, 
  5. Mobile Aware Applications, 
  6. Mobile CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work), 
  7. Mobile Multimedia Interfaces, 
  8. Mobile Multimedia Network Traffic Engineering,
  9. Mobile Multimedia Software Architectures, 
  10. Mobile Operating Systems.

Software Engineering. Rumpun penelitian nya adalah:
  1. Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering,
  2. Dependability and Reliability,
  3. Ontology Web and Knowledge Management, 
  4. Maintenance and Reserve Engineering,
  5. Formal Methods and Theories,
  6. Applications and Tools, 
  7. Verification Validation Testing and Analysis, 
  8. Component-Based Development and Reuse, 
  9. Service-Oriented Computing, 
  10. Modern Development Methods, 
  11. Global Software Engineering Projects,
  12. Application Tuning for Performace, 
  13. Mobile Social Media, 
  14. Industry-Academia Collaboration,
  15. Entrepreneurship and Software Business.

Information Systems, Information Technology, and Information Management. Rumpun penelitiannya adalah:
  1. IS Strategy Governance and Sourcing, 
  2. Human-Computer Interaction, 
  3. Economics and Value of IS and Information System in Accounting,
  4. e-Commerce and m-Commerce,
  5. Crowdsourcing and Information Retrieval (Big Data), 
  6. ICT in Education, Managing IS Projects and IS Development, 
  7. Advancing Theories and Theorizing in IS Research, 
  8. Business Analytics and Decision Support, 
  9. Digital Health Initiatives, 
  10. Diversity and Inclusion in the IT Workforce,
  11. Information Systems as a Global Gateway,
  12. Information Systems in Developing Countries: Making a World of Difference,
  13. IS Adoption and Diffusion,
  14. IT Governance and Business-IT Alignment, 
  15. Managing Organizational and IS/IT Competencies in the Enterprise Systems Environment,
  16. Methods Tools and Human Factor in IS/IT Management,
  17. Social Media in Business and Society,
  18. Value-Based ICT Innovation and Sustainably Digital.